Zones are sections corresponding to different areas on Earth, denoted by a thick white line. Each zone consists of multiple areas, individual squares. Areas that are smoking red do not have normal missions, only the Zone Boss mission. The Zone Boss is much more powerful than the individual Area Bosses. Defeating an Area Boss opens up adjacent areas within the zone for exploration; defeating a Zone Boss will, in addition to clearing the area, add the boss to your normal summoning pool and allow adjacent zones to be explored as well.
When all areas for a continent are cleared, you will unlock a Continent Boss, which is a very difficult boss that awards exceptional and
rewards. Defeating this boss does not unlock it for the normal summoning pool.
The elements and creature pools for the battles in each area are set globally. The exceptions to this rule are your starting zone and some areas that are near your home area. The elements listed for each battle in these areas will usually be reduced to one element. This is to allow new players to ease themselves into the game. The creature pool will still be the same for these battles, but it will favour creatures of the selected element. This can affect your ability to farm certain creatures. If area (+2,+7) is within this beginner zone, you will find that the (Fire, Water, Earth) battle has been simplified to (Fire), which means that you will mainly encounter Little Red Riding Hood with Skuld, Urd and Verdandi showing up less frequently.
The level of an area is based on its distance from your home area. The farther away you get from your home area, the higher level the spirits you encounter will be.
For a full zone list and their bossess:
This data may differ per player or region. Please only use it as reference. |
Northwest Pacific Ocean
Northeast Pacific Ocean
-15,+5 |
-14,+5 | |||
| |||
-17,+3 |
-16,+3 |
-15,+3 |
-13,+2 |
-12,+2 |
Southwest Pacific Ocean
- -15,-4
- ★, Metal, 1 battle, 7 spirits
- ★★, Metal, Water, 1 battle, 5 spirits
- ★, Metal, Earth, 2 battle, 6 spirits
- ★★, Metal, Fire, Earth, 3 battle, 9 spirits
- Area Boss: The Phantom of Gold (Metal),
- Counterattack passive, Change all enemies to Earth for 10 seconds, 4 adds
- The Phantom of Gold, The Chaos Emissary
Southeast Pacific Ocean
- +18,-6
- ZONE BOSS: Captain Cook (Light), Counterattack ability, 5 adds, Will o' the Wisp, Charybdis, Rare Queen of Water
Western Canada
- -12,+7
- Metal, Wood, 1 battle
- -12,+6
Eastern Canada
- -11,+7
- -10,+7
- Fire, 1 battle
- Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- Fire, Earth, Metal, 2 battles
- Metal, Water, 1 battle
- Metal, 1 battle
- Area Boss: White Body (metal), 4 adds
- -9,+7
- ZONE BOSS: Sedna (water), 4 adds
- -8,+7
- Water, Fire, 1 battle
- Water, Wood, 1 battle
- Earth, Metal, Water, 3 battles
- Earth, Wood, Metal, 2 battles
- Area Boss: Aumanil (earth), 3 adds (Prince of Earth, Scorpion, bubble-gum metal demon)
- -7,+7
- -6,+7
- ★, Wood, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Earth, 1 battle
- ★, Water, Fire, 2 battles
- ★★, Metal, Fire, Earth, 2 battles
- Area Boss: Homunculus (metal), 4 adds (Doppelganger, Homunculus)
- -11,+6
- Water, 1 battle
- Water, Metal, 1 battle
- Wood, Fire, Water, 2 battles
- Fire, Earth, 1 battle
- Fire, 1 battle
- -10,+6
- Metal, 1 battle
- Metal, 1 battle
- Wood, Metal, 2 battles
- Wood, 1 battle
- Wood, 1 battle
- -9,+6
- Metal, 1 battle
- Wood, Water, 2 battles
- Wood, 1 battle
- Wood, Earth, 2 battles
- Area Boss: Malina (water), 3 adds
- -8,+6
- Fire, 1 battle
- Fire, 1 battle
- Metal, 1 battle
- Wood, Earth, 2 battles
- -7,+6
- Wood, 1 battle
- Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- Earth, Wood, Water, 3 battles
- Wood, Fire, 2 battles
- Area Boss: Mandrake (wood), 4 adds
- -6,+6
Western United States of America
- -13,+5
- Fire, Water, 1 battle
- Water, 1 battle
- Fire, Wood, 2 battles
- Water, Fire, Metal, 2 battles
- Area Boss: Malina (water), 4 adds (fire, water)
- -12,+5
- Wood, 1 battle
- Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- Earth, Wood, Water, 2 battles
- Wood, Fire, 2 battles
- -11,+5
- Water, 1 battle
- Wood, 1 battle
- Earth, Water, 2 battles
- Water, 2 battles
- Earth, 1 battle
- -13,+4
- Metal, 1 battle
- Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- Fire, 1 battle
- Fire, Earth, 1 battle
- Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Jack-o'Lantern (fire), 5 adds (Jack-o-'Lantern)
- -12,+4
- Fire, 1 battle
- Metal, Earth, 1 battle
- Fire, Water, 2 battles
- Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Sorcerer (fire), 4 adds
- -11,+4
- Wood, Metal, 1 battle
- Wood, Earth, 2 battles
- Metal, Earth, 2 battles
- Metal, Wood, 1 battle
- Metal, Earth, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Greys (light), 4,000 HP,5 adds
- -10,+4
- Water, 1 battle
- Earth, 1 battle
- Earth, Water, 2 battles
- Wood, 2 battles
- Wood, 2 battles
- -13,+3
- Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- -12,+3
- ZONE BOSS: Gunslinger (metal), 4 adds
- -11,+3
- Earth, Water, 1 battle
- Water, Fire, Metal, 2 battles
- Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- Earth, Fire, Wood, 3 battles
- Area Boss: Scorpion (earth), 4 adds (Salamander, Scorpion)
- -10,+3
- Earth, Metal, 1 battle
- Earth, Metal, 2 battles
- Fire, Wood, Earth, 3 battles
- Wood, Fire, 1 battle
- Fire, Earth, 1 battle
- Earth, Metal, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Cerberus (dark), 4 adds
Eastern United States of America
- -8,+3
- ZONE BOSS: Wyvern (fire)
- -6,+5
- ★, Water, Earth, Metal, 2 battles
Central America
- -11,+2
- Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- Wood, 1 battle
- Wood, Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Yum Kaax (Wood)
- -10,+2
- Metal, 1 battle
- Metal, Earth, 1 battle
- Metal, Water, 1 battle
- Fire, 1 battle
- Fire, Earth, 1 battle
- Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- -9,+2
- Earth, 1 battle
- Earth, Wood, 2 battles
- Earth, Wood, Fire, 2 battles
- Earth, 1 battle
- Earth, Metal, 2 battles
- Earth, Fire, Metal, 3 battles
- Area Boss: Tepeyollotl (earth), 5 adds
- -11,+1
- -10,+1
- ZONE BOSS: Tlaloc (water)
- -9,+1
- Metal, Wood, 2 battles
Northeastern South America
Northwestern South America
- -8,+2
- Water, Earth, 1 battle
- Water, Wood, Earth, 2 battle
- Metal, Earth, 1 battle
- Metal, Wood, Earth, 2 battle
- Area Boss:
- -7,+2
- Water, Metal, 1 battle
- Water, Metal, 1 battle
- Water, Metal, 1 battle
- Water, Metal, 1 battle
- -7,-2
- Zone Boss: Huallallo Carhuincho (fire)
Southern South America
North Atlantic Ocean
- -5,+7
- ★, Wood, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Fire, 2 battles
- ★★★, Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- ★, Dark, 1 battle
- ★, Light, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- -5,+6
- -5,+5
- ★, Water, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, Fire, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★★, Wood, Fire, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- -4,+7
- ★, Earth, Water, Metal, 3 battles
- ★, Wood, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★★, Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- -4,+6
- -4,+5
- -3,+7
- ★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★,Wood, 1 battle
- ★★★, Wood, Earth, 2 battles
- ★, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- -3,+5
- -2,+7
- ★, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- -2,+6
- -1,+7
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, 2 battles
- ★★, Water, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Dianceht (water)
- -1,+6
South Atlantic Ocean
- Drops
- Coelacanth - (-3,-2), (-3,-7), presumably any area with Earth battles
- +1,-4
- Area Boss: Charybdis (water)
- -1,-3
- Area Boss: Bellerophon (water)
- -1,-4
- Area Boss: Ifrit (fire)
- -2,-3
- ZONE BOSS: Orca (dark)
- -2,-5
- Area Boss: Nike (wood)
- -3,-3
- Area Boss: Thetis (water)
- -3,-4
- Area Boss: Leviathan (water)
Northern Europe
- +1,+2
- ★, Water, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★★, Water, dark, 1 battle
- ★, Metal, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Dark, Wood, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Wepwawet (dark)
- +1,+7
- +1,+6
- ★, Earth, 2 battles
- ★★, Earth, 1 battle
- ★, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- +2,+7
- +2,+2
- ★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Fire, 2 battles
- ★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Fire, 2 battles
- Area boss: Scarab (light)
- +2,+6
- ★, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Metal, 2 battles
- ★, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Metal, 2 battles
- Area Boss:
- +3,+7
- +3,+6
- ★, Water, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Water, 1 battle
- ★, Wood, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Fire, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- +4,+7
- ★, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★★, Metal, Wood, 1 battle
- ★, Earth, Wood, Water, 3 battles
- Area Boss:
- +4,+6
- ★, Wood, Water, 1 battle
- ★, Metal, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Metal, Light, 3 battles
- ★★★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
Southern Europe
- -2,+5
- ★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Water, Fire, 2 battles
- ★, Wood, Earth, 1 Battle
- ★★, Wood, Earth, Metal, 2 battles
- Area Boss: Triton (water), 4 adds (Siren)
- -2,+4
- ★, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, Fire, Wood, 3 battles
- ★, Water, Light, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Pixie (light)
- -1,+5
- -1,+4
- ★, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★, Wood, Earth, 2 battles
- ★★, Fire, Earth, 2 battles
- Area Boss:
- +1,+5
- ★, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Wood, 2 battles
- ★, Fire, 2 battles
- Area Boss:
- +1,+4
- ★, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- ★, Wood, Metal, 2 battles
- ★★, Metal, Wood, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- +2,+5
- ★, Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Earth, 2 battles
- ★, Wood, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Fire, Metal, 2 battles
- Area Boss:
- +2,+4
- +3,+5
- ★, Water, 1 battle
- ★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Earth, Metal, 2 battles
- ★, Earth, Fire, 2 battles
- ★★, Earth, Metal, 2 battles
- Area Boss:
- +3,+4
- ★, Earth, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Fire, Water, 2 battles
- ★, Fire, Water, Metal, 3 battles
- ★, Wood, Earth, Water, 2 battles
- ★★, Earth, Water, 2 battles
- Area Boss:
- +4,+5
- ★, Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, Earth, Wood, 3 battles
- ★, Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Earth, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- +4,+4
- ★, Wood, Metal, 2 battles
- ★, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★★, Metal, Water, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
Northern Africa
- -2,+3
- ★, Water, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, Earth, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★★, Fire, Earth, Metal, 3 battles
- Area Boss:
- -2,+2
- ★, Wood, Metal, 2 battles
- ★★, Wood, Metal, 2 battles
- ★, Metal, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Metal, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- -2,+1
- ★, Water, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, Fire, Earth, 2 battles
- -1,+3
- ★, Wood, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Water, 1 battle
- ★, Wood, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Fire, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- -1,+2
- -1,+1
- ★, Wood, Earth, 1 battle
- +1,+3
- ★, Wood, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Metal, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Earth, 2 battles
- ★★★, Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- +1,+2
- ★, Water, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★★, Water, Dark, 1 battle
- ★, Metal, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Dark, Wood, 1 battle
- Area Boss:
- +1,+1
- ★, Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- +2,+3
- +2,+2
- +2,+1
- +3,+3
- +3,+2
- +3,+1
- +4,+3
- ★, Fire, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Water, Earth, 3 battles
- ★★★, Light, Water, 1 battle
- ★, Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★★, Earth, Fire, 3 battles
- ★, Metal, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Water, 1 battle
- ★★★, Metal, Water, Light, 3 battles
- Area Boss:
- +4,+2
- +4,+1
- +5,+1
Southern Africa
Western Russia
- +5,+7
- +5,+6
- ★, Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Fire, 2 battles
- ★★★, Fire, Earth, 1 battle
- ★, Wood, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Wood, 1 battle
- Area Boss: Fire Guardian (fire), 4 adds.
- +5,+5
- +6,+7
- +6,+6
- +6,+5
- +7,+7
- +7,+6
- +7,+5
- +7,+4
- +8,+7
- +8,+6
Central Russia
- +9,+4
- ★, Metal, Earth, Water, 3 battles
- ★, Wood, Fire, Water, 2 battles
- ★★, Metal, Water, Earth, 2 battles
- ★, Wood, Fire, Earth, 3 battles
- AREA BOSS: Nandou Shengjun (light)
- +9,+7
- ★, Wood, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Earth, 2 battles
- ★, Earth, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Water, Fire, 3 battles
- AREA BOSS: Gnome (earth), 4 adds
- +10,+6
- ZONE BOSS: Perun, Metal
- +10,+7
- ★, Earth, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Water, 2 battles
- ★, Water, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, Fire, Metal, 3 battles
- AREA BOSS: Undine (water), 4 adds
- +11,+6
- ★, Water, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, Wood, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, Earth, Metal, 2 battles
- ★★, Fire, Wood, 2 battles
- AREA BOSS: Domovoi (fire)
- +11,+7
- ★, Metal, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Metal, 2 battles
- ★, Wood, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, Earth, Water, 3 battles
- AREA BOSS: Sylphid (wood)
Eastern Russia
- +16 +7
- ★ Water, Metal, 1 Battle
- ★★ Water, Metal, 3 Battle
- ★ Water, 1 Battle
- ★★ Water, Earth, 3 Battle
- ★ Wood, 1 Battle
- ★★ Wood, Metal, 3 Battle
- +9,+5
- ★, Fire, Wood, Earth, 3 battles
- ★, Metal, Water, Wood, 3 battles
- ★, Metal, Water, Earth, 2 battles
- ★★, Fire, Earth, Wood, 2 battles
- AREA BOSS: Beidou Shengjun (dark)
Middle East
- +6,+4
- +6,+3
- +6,+2
- +7,+4
- +7,+3
- ★, Metal, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Metal, Fire, Water, 2 battles
- ★, Metal, Earth, 2 battles
- ★★, Metal, Earth, Water, 2 battles
- AREA BOSS: Kama the God of Love (metal)
- +7,+2
- +8,+2
- ZONE BOSS: Gandharva the Music God (wood)
- +8,+3
- ★, Water, Earth, 2 battles
- ★★, Water, Earth, 2 battles
- ★, Earth, Water, 2 battles
- ★★, Earth, Fire, Dark, 3 battles
- ★, Fire, Dark, 2 battles
- ★★, Dark, Light, Water, 3 battles
- AREA BOSS: Yama the God of Death (dark)
Southeast Indian Ocean
- +15 -7
- ★ Metal, 1 Battle
- ★★ Metal, Water, 2 Battle
- ★ Water, 1 Battle
- ★★ Water, Metal, 3 Battle
South Indian Ocean
- +13 +4
- ★ Fire, Metal, 1 Battle
- ★★ Fire, Water, 1 Battle
- ★ Metal, Wood, Earth, 2 Battle
- Area Boss: Xiezhi (Metal), +Speed Passive, Metal Attack All Special
- 4 adds, Hitotsume-kozo, Xing Tian, Kaso, Katakirauwa
- +12,+4
- ZONE BOSS: Shennong (Wood), +Attack Passive, All Wood Attack Special
- 4 adds, Erlang Shen, Xing Tian, Chi You
- ZONE BOSS: Shennong (Wood), +Attack Passive, All Wood Attack Special
- +14+4
- ★ Metal 1 Battle
- ★★ Fire 1 Battle
- ★ Fire 1 Battle
- ★★ Fire 1 Battle
- ★ Wood, Fire , Metal 3 Battle
Southeast Asia
- +10,-1
- ★, Water, Fire, 2 battles
- ★★, Water, Fire, Earth, 3 battles
- +10,+1
- ★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, 2 battles
- ★★★, Wood, 3 battles
- +10,+2
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★★, Fire, 2 battle
- +11,-1
- ★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 2 battles
- +11,+1
- ★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, 2 battles
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Metal, 2 battles
- ★★★, Dark, 1 battle
- +11,+2
- ★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★★, Wood, 2 battles
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★★, Fire, 3 battles
- ★, Water, 1 battle
- ★★, Water, 1 battle
- +12,-1
- +12,+1
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★★, Fire, 1 battle
- +12,+2
- ★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★★, Wood, 1 battle
- +13,-1
- ★, Water, Dark, Fire, 2 battles
- ★★, Water, Dark, Wood, 2 battles
- ★, Fire, Dark, Water, 3 battles
- +13,+1
- ★, Fire, Metal, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Metal, 2 battles
- ★, Earth, Wood, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Water, Wood, 3 battles
- +13,+2
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★, Fire, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, 1 battle
- +14,-1
- ★, Fire, Earth, 1 battle
- ★★, Fire, Water, Earth, 3 battle
- ★, Wood, Dark, 1 battle
- ★★, Earth, Metal, Fire, 3 battle
- AREA BOSS: Tsuki no Usagi (dark)
- +15,-3
- ZONE BOSS: Bunyip (fire), 4 adds
- -6,+4
- ★, Wood, Metal, Water, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★★, Earth, Metal, Water, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★, Wood, Fire, LV 71, 1 battle, 15 spirits
- ★, Fire, Wood, Earth, LV 60, 2 battles
- Veles (Fire), 13,430 HP, 5 adds (Noesarnak, The Chaos Emissary, The Phantom of Gold)
- Zilant (Wood), 19,500 HP, 5 adds (Basilisk, Noesarnak, The Chaos Emissary)
- Area Boss: Ziz (Dark), 19,120 HP, Leviathan (Event) (Water), 13,335 HP
- -5,+4
- ★, Fire, Wood, Earth, LV 68-71, 4 battles
- ★★, Wood, Water, Fire, LV 68-71, 4 battles
- ★, Metal, Water, Wood, LV 71, 3 battles
- ★, Water, Earth, Wood, LV 60, 2 battles
- Tlaloc (Water), 12,540 HP, 5 adds (Itzpapalotl, Tocapo, Yanamca Tutanamca, King of Water, Imaymana),
- Wakan Tanka (Earth), 11,980 HP, 5 adds(Pachamama, Masked One)
- Area Boss: Sorcerer (Fire), 13,390 HP, Magician (Metal), 13,466 HP
- -4,+4
- ★, Light, Dark, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★★, Dark, Light, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★, Metal, Earth, Water, LV 71, 4 battles
- ★★, Wood, Water, Fire, LV 71, 4 battles
- ★, Metal, Water, LV 60-61, 2 battles
- Gunslinger (Metal), 11,840 HP, 5 adds (Xipe Totec, Imaymana, Patecatl, Prince of Water)
- Cowboy Bill (Metal), 12,644 HP, 6 adds (Xipe Totec, Patecatl, Imaymana)
- Area Boss: Garuda the Holy Bird (Fire), 12,300 HP, Thoth (Metal), 12,400 HP
- -3,+4
- ★, Fire, Earth, Metal, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★★, Earth, Metal, Water, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★, Metal, Water, LV 71, 1 battle, 15 spirits
- ★, Fire, Wood, Earth, LV 60, 2 battles
- Itzpapalotl (Event) (Wood), 13,092 HP, 5 adds (Itzpapalotl, Yanamca Tutanamca, Pachamama)
- White Buffalo Maiden (Event) (Fire), 14,204 HP, 5 adds (Yanamca Tutanamca, Pachamama, Prince of Fire)
- ★★, Earth, Water, Wood, LV 60, 2 battles
- Kwatee (Earth), 16,100 HP, 5 adds (Masked One, Pachamama, Tocapo)
- Thunderbird (Water), 12,673 HP, 5 adds (Tocapo, Imaymana, Itzpapalotl)
- Area Boss: Huitzilopochtli (Metal), 16,118 HP, Wizard (Wood), 13,286 HP
- -6,+3
- ★, Earth, Fire, Metal, LV 68-71, 4 battles
- ★★, Metal, Earth, Water, LV 68-71, 4 battles
- ★, Metal, Water, LV 71, 2 battles
- ★★, Light, Dark, LV 71, 2 battles
- ★★★, Earth, Metal, LV 71, 2 battles
- ★, Metal, Water, LV 60-61, 2 battles
- Adaptive Camouflage (Metal), 11,940 HP, 5 adds (Malina, Tirawa-Atius, The Phantom of Gold)
- Humanoid (Metal), 13,780 HP, 6 adds (Malina, The Phantom of Gold, Basilisk)
- Area Boss: Coniraya (Wood), 16,040 HP, Pachacamac (Earth), 13,840 HP
- -5,+3
- ★, Metal, Water, Wood, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★, Water, Wood, LV 71, 1 battle, 15 spirits
- ★, Fire, Water, Wood, LV 60, 2 battles
- White Buffalo Maiden (Fire), 14,116 HP, 5 adds (Scorpion, Heyoka, Koodjanuk)
- God of Water (Water), 17,926 HP, 5 adds (Tootega, Male Shaman, Koodjanuk)
- ★★, Water, Earth, Wood, LV 60, 2 battles
- Area Boss: Thunderbird (Water), 13,393 HP, Flying Humanoid (Wood), 14,650 HP
- -4,+3
- -3,+3
- -5,+2
- -4,+2
- -3,+2
- -4,+1
- -3,+1
- +7,-1
- ★, Wood, Metal, Water, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★★, Fire, Earth, Metal, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★★★, Earth, Fire, Metal, LV 68-71, 4 battles
- ★, Wood, Fire, LV 71, 1 battle, 14 spirits
- ★, Earth, Wood, Fire, LV 60, 2 battles
- ★★, Metal, Fire, Earth, LV 60, 2 battles
- Prometheus (Metal), 12,950 HP, 5 adds (Cyclops, Sphinx, Chloris, Thetis, Eros, Triton, Joker of Metal)
- Apollo (Fire), 12,672 HP, 5 adds (Incubus, Chimera, King of Fire, Tisiphone, Queen of Fire)
- Area Boss: Hestia (Fire), LV 62, 12,320 HP, Artemis (Metal), LV 62, 14,508 HP
- +8,-1
- +9,-1
- ★, Fire, Earth, Metal, LV 68-71, 3 battles
- ★★, Metal, Earth, Water, LV 68-71, 4 battles
- ★, Wood, Fire, Water, LV 71, 3 battles
- ★★, Wood, Water, Fire, LV 71, 4 battles
- ★, Earth, Dark, Metal, LV 60, 2 battles
- Demeter (Earth), 14,650 HP, 5 adds (Tisiphone, Sphinx, Cyclops)
- Hades (Dark), 15,522 HP, 5 adds (Thetis, Prince of Dark, Pegasus, Triton, Queen of Light)
- Area Boss: Hera (Wood), LV 62, 13,280 HP, Athena (Metal), LV 62, 15,108 HP
- -16,+1
- ★, Earth, Metal, Water, 3 battles
- ★★, Dark, Light, 3 battles
- ★, Water, Metal, Wood, 4 battles
- ★, Dark, Fire, Earth, 2 battles
- Yaksha (Dark), 11,401 HP, 4 adds (Miroku, Nue, Kesaran-Pasaran, Yokozuna)
- Ashura (Fire), 11,370 HP, 4 adds (Daidarabotchi, Prince of Fire, Hihi, Bodhidharma)
- Area Boss: Karura (Fire), 11,440 HP, Kendappa (Earth), 13,755 HP
- -15,+1
- ★, Metal, Earth, Water, LV 58-63, 4 battles
- ★★, Earth, Fire, Metal, LV 58-63, 4 battles
- ★, Wood, Fire, Water, LV 63, 3 battles
- ★, Light, Metal, Water, LV 55, 2 battles
- Miroku (Light), 12,170 HP, 4 adds (Mazu, Bai Ze, Beidou Shengjun, Nandou Shengjun)
- Taishakuten (Metal), 14,673 HP, 4 adds (Xing Tian, Mazu, Zhu Bajie, Kikimora)))
- Area Boss: Vermilion Bird (Fire), 13,222 HP, Azure Dragon (Water), 12,959 HP
- -14,+1
- Area Boss: Black Tortoise (Wood), 13,849 HP, White Tiger (Metal), 12,959 HP
- -13,+1
- ★, Dark, Light, LV 58-63, 3 battles
- ★, Earth, Metal, Water, LV 63, 3 battles
- ★, Wood, Earth, Fire, LV 55, 2 battles
- Shennong (Wood), 12,170 HP, 4 adds (Kung Fu Master, Jiangshi, Erlang Shen)
- Yellow Emperor (Earth), 12,307 HP, 4 adds (Jiangshi, Chi You, Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie)
- Area Boss: Guan Yu (Fire), 14,904 HP, Zhuge Liang (Wood), 12,644 HP
- -12,+1
- ★, Metal, Water, Wood, LV 58-63, 3 battles
- ★★, Water, Wood, Fire, LV 58-63, 3 battles
- ★, Earth, Fire, Metal, LV 63, 4 battles
- ★★, Water, Metal, Wood, LV 63, 4 battles
- ★, Wood, Metal, Fire, LV 55, 2 battles
- Black Tortoise (Wood), 4 adds (Erlang Shen)
- White Tiger (Metal), 4 adds
- ★★, Water, Fire, Wood, LV 55, 2 battles
- Azure Dragon (Water), 12,569 HP, 4 adds (Bai Ze, Zhu Bajie, Mazu, Kikimora)
- Vermilion Bird (Fire), 12,832 HP, 4 adds (Jiangshi, Chi You, Erlang Shen, Sha Wujing)
- Area Boss: Hattori Hanzo (Dark), 12,157 HP, Shogun (Dark), 11,920 HP
- -15,-1
- -14,-1
- -13,-1
- -12,-1
- -15,-2
- Area Boss: Sun Wukong (Wood), 12,232 HP, Sanzo (Light), 13,160 HP
- -14,-2
- Area Boss: Vairocana (Light), 13,285 HP, Senju-Kannon (Light), 12,465 HP
- -13,-2
- Area Boss: Greys (Event) (Light), 12,360 HP, Greys (Light), 11,200 HP
- -12,-2
- -14,-3
- ★, Fire, Earth, LV 58-63, 2 battles
- ★★, Wood, Fire, LV 58-63, 2 battles
- ★★★, Earth, Metal, LV 58-63, 2 battles
- ★, Light, Dark, LV 63, 3 battles
- ★★, Dark, Light, LV 63, 3 battles
- ★, Fire, Metal, Earth, LV 55, 2 battles
- Kane (Fire), 13,719 HP, 4 adds (Agni the Hellfire God, Laskhimi the Goddess of Beauty)
- Tangata-Manu (Metal), 14,030 HP, 4 adds (Sea Serpent, Kamapua'a)
- Area Boss: Lono (Wood), 11,500 HP, Makemake (Wood), 12,171 HP
- -13,-3
- ★, Metal, Earth, Water, LV 58-63, 4 battles
- ★, Water, Wood, LV 63, 2 battles
- ★★, Dark, Light, LV 63, 2 battles
- ★★★, Earth, Metal, LV 63, 2 battles
- ★, Earth, Metal, Dark, LV 55, 2 battles
- Himiko (Earth), 12,202 HP, 4 adds (Daidarabotchi, Bodhidharma, Shisa)
- Yamatotakeru (Metal), 11,929 HP, 4 adds (Yatagarasu, Miroku, Tennyo)
- Area Boss: Fu Xi (Water), 12,960 HP, Nuwa (Metal), 14,631 HP