Destiny of Spirits Wiki

Summoning is one of the primary ways of obtaining new spirits. You can spend SStone and DO 16x16 to summon a spirit.

Normal Summon

A normal summon costs 300 SStone and summons a spirit from the common region pool. The once-a-day Destiny Summoning also comes from this pool, but for the region of the player you choose as your partner.

Summon Type: American

Us common pool

Wendigo Mandrake Centeotl Jack-o'-Lantern Kapoonis
Carbuncle Ataensic Nokomis Jaguar Warrior Chupacabra
Golden Jet Homunculus Sasquatch Sea Bishop Vodianoi
Fairy Bicorn Hunahpu Basilisk Griffin
Salamander Koodjanuk Scorpion Gnome The Phantom of Gold
Tirawa-Atius Malina Undine Tootega Kachina
Werewolf Yum Kaax Ixmucane White Buffalo Maiden Sorcerer
Wakan Tanka Adaptive Camouflage Ixchel Greys Ah Puch
First Mother Phoenix Tezcatlipoca Magician God of Water
Itzamna Igaluk --- --- Not Pictured

Salamander (R)

Summon Type: European

NOTE: Picture and table may be incomplete due to missing zone boss clears.

Europe Poll

Pan Troll Oberon Talos Nidhogg
Domovoi Centaurus Gulon Afanc Hoplite
Medusa Dwarf Ymir Kraken Haggis
Pixie Doppelganger Medb Stribog Chloris
Fire Guardian Svarog Minotaur Tisiphone Zmey
Incubus Sphinx Zlatorog Eros Skuld
Dazhbog Dullahan Cernunnos Ogma Vampire Hunter
Pandora Hermes Sphinx (R) Lugh Excalibur
Nanna Mokosh Valkyrie Heremod Zilant
Cuhullin Ukko Artemis Nuada the Silver Arm Manannan Mac Lir
Danu Arthur Hades --- ---

Summon Type: Asian

Asian Poll

NOTE: Picture and table may be incomplete due to missing zone boss clears.

Ushi-Oni Niryu no Matsu Shaolin Master Basan Yoko
Kitsunebi Osakabe-hime Tsuchigumo Mujina Ghost Cat
Kamaitachi Tenaga-Ashinaga Amefurikozo Hamaguri-nyobo Kappa
Kesaran-Pasaran Kozu and Mezu Karasu Tengu Tenko Wanyudo
Kung Fu Master Daidarabotchi Jiangshi Hihi Sha Wujing
Shin Mazu Nandou Shengjun Beidou Shengjun Zhuge Liang
Fukurokuju Nio Agyo Karura Jurojin Hotei
Bishamonten Kisshoten Ebisu Benzaiten Nezha
Daikokuten Black Tortoise Vermilion Bird Yellow Emperor White Tiger
Azure Dragon Senju-Kannon Hattori Hanzo --- Not Pictured


Zone Bosses

Whenever you defeat a zone boss, the red, pulsing area in a zone, you unlock that boss to be summoned in the normal summoning pool.

Advanced Summon

Advanced summons cost 30 DO 16x16 and summons a spirit from the advanced region pool.

Summon Type: American

Us adv pool

Yellow Body Sylphid Black Body Emperor of Fire Blue Body
Spider Mother White Body Coyolxauhqui God of Fish Witch
Gukumatz Huehuecoyotl Unicorn Mictlantecuhtli Cerberus
Coyote Hunab Ku Raven Itzam Cab Ain Wight King
Viracocha Pariacaca Kinich Ahau Vampire ---

Summon Type: European

Eu adv pool

Heracles Ladon Odysseus Brigit Hellhound
Cronus Balor Frigg Macha Leviathan
Bellerophon Ares Forseti Morrigan Jormungand
Robin Hood Loptr Gilgamesh Thor Gaia
Siegfried Poseidon Zeus Odin ---

Summon Type: Asian

Asia adv

Konohanasakuya-hime Hua Po Hi no Kagutsuchi Okikurumi Koro-pok-guru
Onmyoji Muramasa Nekomata Ame no Uzume Shachi
Takemikazuchi Karyobinga Kujaku-Myoo Inugami Tsuki no Usagi
Shoryu Fudo-Myoo Izanagi Bai Suzhen Kuko
Susanowo Yamata no Orochi Amaterasu Izanami ---

Special Summon

Special summons include any collaborative or promotional characters that are available for a limited time. They usually also cost 30 DO 16x16.


20 Knack characters were available between March 20-April 16, 2014.

Knack pool

Country Goblin Powered-suit Goblin Doctor Vargas Lucas Ryder
Altered Guardian Android Soldier Mining Robot Little Knack Giant Knack
Viktor Katrina Wood Knack Morgack Guardian
Iron Knack Ice Knack Gundahar Robo Knack Giant Autonomous Weapon

Gravity Rush

14 Gravity Rush characters were available between April 3-May 14, 2014.

GRush pool

Nevi Mossui Yunica Cyanea Kat Syd
Alias Gade Nevi Shaga Raven Spy Costume Yunica
Spy Costume Kat Spy Costume Raven Lady of the Depths Gravity Panther ---


13 Toro and Kuro summons are available between May 1-29, 2014.

Toro Kuro pool

Dear Television Mr. Producer Pierre Jun Suzuki
Ricky Toro Kitten Toro Kuro Newscaster Toro
Newscaster Kuro Super Toro Toro and Kuro Together --- ---

Soul Sacrifice DELTA

20 Soul Sacrifice DELTA summons are available between May 22- July 2, 2014.

Soul Sacrifice DELTA special summons

Librom Harpy Snow White Bremen Town Musicians Jack-o'-Lantern
Dullahan Centaur Cinderella Three Little Pigs Ouroboros
Behemoth Red Hood Wolf Cerberus Griffin Valkyrie
Frog Prince Leviathan Red Hood Sympatha Sortiara

Patapon 3

22 Patapon 3 summons were available between July 10 - August 21, 2014.

Patapon 3 pool

Patapons Yumiyacha Taterazay Wondabarappa Kibadda
Myamsar Cannassault Destrobo Alosson Gekoroth
Yarida Pingrek Tondenga Bowmunk Jamsch
Pyokorider Wooyari Guardira Oohoroc Cannogabang
Charibasa Grenburr --- --- ---

God of War

12 God of War summons were available between September 18 - October 29, 2014.

God of War pool

Centaur Cerberus Rock Titan Armor Grunt Minotaur
Helios Wraith Hermes Kratos Hercules
Apollo Poseidon --- --- ---


24 Killzone characters were available between December 25, 2014 - February 5, 2015

Killzone pool

Arran Danner Damian Ivanov Commander Benoit Captain Templar Shadow Marshal Luger
Colonel Hakha Sergeant Sevnenko Sergeant Velasquez Corporal Jammer OWL
Shadow Marshal Kellan Director Sinclair Corporal Garza Corporal Natko Captain Narville
Echo Doctor Massar Commander Saric Colonel Radec Colonel Kratek
Autarch Visari Admiral Orlock Chancellor Visari Vladko Tyran ---

Magica Wars ZANBATSU

51 Magical Girls from the PS Vita game Magica Wars ZANBATSU were available between December 25, 2014 - February 26, 2015. 47 of them are different from the ones players can hunt in Japan.

Magica Wars ZANBATSU pool

Neo Shiratori Naruko Aoba Hikari Tochinobi Tamame Saijyo Karin Hotarui
Koi Momoyama Sakura Mido Chiyo Miasa Kemuri Midoriyu Yamada
Yuki Momo Iwaki Yuki Nobara Tsutsuji Umakai Yuri Inuwashi
Rin Takehara Tamae Sakamoto Suzuka Kamiki Setoka Himeno Renka Ariake
Fuku Echizen Shinanono Kawanakajima Mebuki Konoe Chitose Kunibiki Suzume Momomura
Natsumi Manten Sayaka Yoshino Himuka Amano Hayame Kaji Topiko Arube
Sen Hazakura Rin Kobari Fuhiko Fujiwara Akane Wajima Kanoka Tamamo
Monobe Tsurugi Ameko Kamishiro Manami Higa Komako Kitano Yukana Akaba
Minamo Kosaka Ichiko Echigo Shizuri Tsuduku Matsuri Sengen Kinoe Omi
Kino Shirarahama Sara Shirasagi Ume Hoshino Maki Inada Shito Ebisu
Amane Sakaki --- --- --- ---

Neo World

29 Spirits. Doubled drop rate for SR spirits between January 29, 2015 - February 12, 2015. Afterwards normal drop rate (summoning pool will not disappear since it does not have a deadline).

Rare Summon Neo World

Konohanasakuya-hime Napoleon Zombies Brigit Dracula
Nezumikozo Blue Body Koro-pok-guru Mummy Frigg
Electric Monster Gangster Witch Ame no Uzume Enumclaw
Unicorn Morrigan Yggdrasil Zhuge Liang (ADV) Zhurong
Black Knight Ryujin Calamity Jane Andromeda Jeanne d'Arc
Perseus Kushinada-hime Neo Miyokutsu Necromancer -