Destiny of Spirits Wiki
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Revision as of 23:29, 5 August 2014

The Spirit Encyclopedia is a database of collectable spirits. The Spirit Encyclopedia was added in v1.02. There are currently 587 spirits that can be discovered as of v1.03.

NOTE TO EDITORS: This page is a major work in progress! When adding spirits, please add them to the correct table. If after adding entries the name shows as "Unknown", the spirit's template is missing the "name" field. Adding it will fix the entry in the table. If the name and page name are different and the link is directing to the wrong spirit, adding the "pagename" field to that spirit's template will fix it.

Native American/Inuit

001 Wendigo 1.0 DOS - C Wood Native American Myth and Folklore
002 Ictinike 1.0 DOS - C Fire Native American Myth and Folklore
003 Kapoonis 1.0 DOS - C Fire Native American Myth and Folklore
004 Aumanil 1.5 DOS - C Earth Inuit Myth and Folklore
005 Ataensic 1.0 DOS - C Earth Native American Myth and Folklore
006 Nokomis 1.0 DOS - C Earth Native American Myth and Folklore
007 Aipalookvik 1.0 DOS - C Water Inuit Myth and Folklore
008 Sasquatch 1.5 DOS - C Water Native American Myth and Folklore
009 Utsiti 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Native American Myth and Folklore
010 Noesarnak 1.5 DOS - UC Fire Inuit Myth and Folklore
011 Koodjanuk 2.5 DOS - UC Fire Inuit Myth and Folklore
012 Tirawa-Atius 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Native American Myth and Folklore
013 Heyoka 1.5 DOS - UC Metal Native American Myth and Folklore
014 Malina 1.5 DOS - UC Water Inuit Myth and Folklore
015 Tootega 2.5 DOS - UC Water Inuit Myth and Folklore
016 Kachina 2.0 DOS - UC Light Native American Myth and Folklore
017 Yellow Body 3.0 DOS - R Wood Native American Myth and Folklore
018 Black Body 3.0 DOS - R Fire Native American Myth and Folklore
019 White Buffalo Maiden 2.5 DOS - R Fire Native American Myth and Folklore
020 Blue Body 3.0 DOS - R Earth Native American Myth and Folklore
021 Kwatee 3.0 DOS - R Earth Native American Myth and Folklore
022 Wakan Tanka 2.5 DOS - R Earth Native American Myth and Folklore
023 Spider Mother 3.0 DOS - R Earth Native American Myth and Folklore
024 White Body 3.0 DOS - R Metal Native American Myth and Folklore
025 Sedna 3.0 DOS - R Water Inuit Myth and Folklore
026 Coyote 4.5 DOS - SR Wood Native American Myth and Folklore
027 First Mother 4.0 DOS - SR Wood Native American Myth and Folklore
028 Raven 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Native American Myth and Folklore
029 Kokopelli 4.0 DOS - SR Earth Native American Myth and Folklore
030 Magician 4.0 DOS - SR Metal Native American Myth and Folklore
031 Thunderbird 4.0 DOS - SR Water Native American Myth and Folklore
032 Igaluk 4.5 DOS - SR Dark Inuit Myth and Folklore
Iyatiku (Event) 4.0 DOS - C Wood Native American Myth and Folklore


001 Centeotl 1.0 DOS - C Wood Aztec Myth and Folklore
002 Xochiquetzal 1.0 DOS - C Wood Aztec Myth and Folklore
003 Nanahuatzin 1.0 DOS - C Fire Aztec Myth and Folklore
004 Nim-Ac 1.0 DOS - C Earth Mayan Myth and Folklore
005 Jaguar Warrior 1.5 DOS - C Earth Aztec Myth and Folklore
006 Ek Chuah 1.0 DOS - C Metal Mayan Myth and Folklore
007 Hunahpu 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Mayan Myth and Folklore
008 Itzpapalotl 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Aztec Myth and Folklore
009 Xiuhtecuhtli 1.5 DOS - UC Fire Aztec Myth and Folklore
010 Coatlicue 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Aztec Myth and Folklore
011 Xipe Totec 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Aztec Myth and Folklore
012 Patecatl 2.5 DOS - UC Water Aztec Myth and Folklore
013 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
014 Ixtab 2.5 DOS - UC Dark Mayan Myth and Folklore
015 Yum Kaax 3.0 DOS - R Wood Mayan Myth and Folklore
016 Xpiacoc 2.5 DOS - R Wood Mayan Myth and Folklore
017 Ixmucane 2.5 DOS - R Wood Mayan Myth and Folklore
018 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
019 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
020 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
021 Coyolxauhqui 2.5 DOS - R Metal Aztec Myth and Folklore
022 Ixchel 2.5 DOS - R Water Mayan Myth and Folklore
023 Tlaloc 3.0 DOS - R Water Aztec Myth and Folklore
024 Chalchiuhtlicue 3.0 DOS - R Water Aztec Myth and Folklore
025 Huehuecoyotl 2.5 DOS - R Light Aztec Myth and Folklore
026 Ah Puch 3.5 DOS - R Dark Mayan Myth and Folklore
027 Mictlantecuhtli 3.0 DOS - R Dark Aztec Myth and Folklore
028 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
029 Quetzalcoatl 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Aztec Myth and Folklore
030 Tezcatlipoca 4.0 DOS - SR Earth Aztec Myth and Folklore
031 Itzam Cab Ain 4.5 DOS - SR Earth Mayan Myth and Folklore
032 Huitzilopochtli 4.0 DOS - SR Metal Aztec Myth and Folklore
033 Chaac 4.0 DOS - SR Water Mayan Myth and Folklore
034 Itzamna 4.5 DOS - SR Light Mayan Myth and Folklore
035 Kinich Ahau 5.0 DOS - SR Light Mayan Myth and Folklore
036 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown

Incan/South American

001 Chaska-Qorlor 1.0 DOS - C Wood Inca Myth and Folklore
002 Loa 1.5 DOS - C Fire South American Myth and Folklore
003 Red Hands 1.0 DOS - C Earth Inca Myth and Folklore
004 Chupacabra 1.0 DOS - C Metal South American Myth and Folklore
005 Golden Jet 1.0 DOS - C Metal Inca Myth and Folklore
006 Urpay Huachac 1.0 DOS - C Water Inca Myth and Folklore
007 Condor 1.5 DOS - C Light Inca Myth and Folklore
008 Anchancho 1.5 DOS - C Dark Inca Myth and Folklore
009 Imaymana 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Inca Myth and Folklore
010 Yanamca Tutanamca 2.5 DOS - UC Fire Inca Myth and Folklore
011 Pachamama 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Inca Myth and Folklore
012 Masked One 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Inca Myth and Folklore
013 Tocapo 1.5 DOS - UC Water Inca Myth and Folklore
014 Illapa 2.0 DOS - UC Light Inca Myth and Folklore
015 Mama Quilla 2.0 DOS - UC Dark Inca Myth and Folklore
016 Coniraya 2.5 DOS - R Wood Inca Myth and Folklore
017 Huallallo Carhuincho 3.0 DOS - R Fire Inca Myth and Folklore
018 Pachacamac 3.0 DOS - R Earth Inca Myth and Folklore
019 Inti 3.0 DOS - R Light Inca Myth and Folklore
020 Jaguar 4.0 DOS - SR Earth South American Myth and Folklore
021 Viracocha 4.5 DOS - SR Metal Inca Myth and Folklore
022 Pariacaca 4.5 DOS - SR Water Inca Myth and Folklore


001 Leprechaun 1.0 DOS - C Wood Celtic Myth and Folklore
002 Cait Sith 1.0 DOS - C Fire Celtic Myth and Folklore
003 Puck 1.0 DOS - C Earth Celtic Myth and Folklore
004 Afanc 1.0 DOS - C Earth Celtic Myth and Folklore
005 Puca 1.0 DOS - C Metal Celtic Myth and Folklore
006 Kelpie 1.0 DOS - C Water Celtic Myth and Folklore
007 Haggis 1.0 DOS - C Water Celtic Myth and Folklore
008 Pixie 1.0 DOS - C Light Celtic Myth and Folklore
009 Medb 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Celtic Myth and Folklore
010 Leanan Sidhe 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Celtic Myth and Folklore
011 Dianceht 2.0 DOS - UC Water Celtic Myth and Folklore
012 Dullahan 2.0 DOS - UC Dark Celtic Myth and Folklore
013 Cernunnos 3.0 DOS - R Wood Celtic Myth and Folklore
014 Ogma 2.5 DOS - R Wood Celtic Myth and Folklore
015 Brigit 2.5 DOS - R Fire Celtic Myth and Folklore
016 Hellhound 2.5 DOS - R Fire Celtic Myth and Folklore
017 Druid 2.5 DOS - R Earth Celtic Myth and Folklore
018 Balor 2.5 DOS - R Earth Celtic Myth and Folklore
019 Lugh 2.5 DOS - R Metal Celtic Myth and Folklore
020 Toutatis 3.0 DOS - R Metal Celtic Myth and Folklore
021 Excalibur 2.5 DOS - R Metal Celtic Myth and Folklore
022 Macha 2.5 DOS - R Metal Celtic Myth and Folklore
023 Morrigan 3.0 DOS - R Dark Celtic Myth and Folklore
024 Merlin 4.5 DOS - SR Wood Celtic Myth and Folklore
025 Cuhullin 4.0 DOS - SR Fire Celtic Myth and Folklore
026 Red Welsh Dragon 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Celtic Myth and Folklore
027 Arianrhod 4.5 DOS - SR Earth Celtic Myth and Folklore
028 Nuada the Silver Arm 4.0 DOS - SR Metal Celtic Myth and Folklore
029 Manannan Mac Lir 4.0 DOS - SR Water Celtic Myth and Folklore
030 Danu 4.0 DOS - SR Water Celtic Myth & Folklore
031 White Saxon Dragon 4.5 DOS - SR Water Celtic Myth and Folklore
032 Arthur 4.0 DOS - SR Light Celtic Myth & Folklore


001 Ratatoskr 1.0 DOS - C Wood Norse Myth and Folklore
002 Troll 1.5 DOS - C Wood Norse Myth and Folklore
003 Nidhogg 1.0 DOS - C Fire Norse Myth and Folklore
004 Gulon 1.0 DOS - C Earth Norse Myth and Folklore
005 Dwarf 1.0 DOS - C Metal Germanic Myth and Folklore
006 Ymir 1.5 DOS - C Water Norse Myth and Folklore
007 Kraken 1.0 DOS - C Water Norse Myth and Folklore
008 Doppelganger 1.0 DOS - C Dark Germanic Myth and Folklore
009 Urd 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Norse Myth and Folklore
010 Zlatorog 1.5 DOS - UC Metal Norse Myth and Folklore
011 Freyr 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Norse Myth and Folklore
012 Berserker 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Norse Myth and Folklore
013 Skuld 2.0 DOS - UC Water Norse Myth and Folklores
014 Baldr 2.5 DOS - UC Light Norse Myth and Folklore
015 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
016 Freyja 3.0 DOS - R Wood Norse Myth and Folklore
017 Fafnir 3.0 DOS - R Metal Norse Myth and Folklore
018 Frigg 2.5 DOS - R Metal Norse Myth and Folklore
019 Nanna 2.5 DOS - R Water Norse Myth and Folklore
020 Lindwurm 3.0 DOS - R Water Germanic Myth and Folklore
021 Valkyrie 3.0 DOS - R Light Norse Myth and Folklore
022 Forseti 2.5 DOS - R Light Norse Myth and Folklore
023 Heremod 3.5 DOS - R Dark Norse Myth and Folklore
024 Jormungand 2.5 DOS - R Dark Norse Myth and Folklore
025 Loptr 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Norse Myth and Folklore
026 Thor 4.5 DOS - SR Earth Norse Myth and Folklore
027 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
028 Siegfried 4.5 DOS - SR Metal Norse Myth and Folklore
029 Njord 4.0 DOS - SR Water Norse Myth and Folklore
030 Odin 5.0 DOS - SR Dark Norse Myth and Folklore
031 Verdandi 2.0 DOS - UC Water Norse Myth and Folklore
032 Verdandi (Event) 4.0 DOS - SR Water Norse Myth and Folklore


001 Pan 1.0 DOS - C Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
002 Dryad 1.0 DOS - C Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
003 Talos 1.0 DOS - C Fire Greek Myth and Folklore
004 Echidna 1.5 DOS - C Fire Greek Myth and Folklore
005 Centaurus 1.5 DOS - C Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
006 Faun 1.0 DOS - C Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
007 Hephaestus 1.0 DOS - C Metal Greek Myth and Folklore
008 Hoplite 1.0 DOS - C Metal Greek Myth and Folklore
009 Medusa 1.5 DOS - C Metal Greek Myth and Folklore
010 Siren 1.0 DOS - C Water Greek Myth and Folklore
011 Nike 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
012 Amazoness 2.5 DOS - UC Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
013 Chloris 2.5 DOS - UC Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
014 Chimera 2.5 DOS - UC Fire Greek Myth and Folklore
015 Minotaur 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
016 Megaera 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
017 Tisiphone 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
018 Incubus 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
019 Cyclops 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Greek Myth and Folklore
020 Sphinx 1.5 DOS - UC Metal Greek Myth and Folklore
021 Eros 1.5 DOS - UC Water Greek Myth and Folklore
022 Triton 2.0 DOS - UC Water Greek Myth and Folklore
023 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
024 Pegasus 2.0 DOS - UC Light Greek Myth and Folklore
025 Heracles 3.0 DOS - R Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
026 Hera 2.5 DOS - R Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
027 Ladon 2.5 DOS - R Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
028 Hestia 2.5 DOS - R Fire Greek Myth and Folklore
029 Cronus 3.0 DOS - R Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
030 Hermes 3.0 DOS - R Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
031 Pandora 3.0 DOS - R Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
032 Demeter 2.5 DOS - R Earth Greek Myth and Folklore
033 Prometheus 3.0 DOS - R Metal Greek Myth and Folklore
034 Dionysus 2.5 DOS - R Water Greek Myth and Folklore
035 Bellerophon 2.5 DOS - R Water Greek Myth and Folklore
036 Ares 3.5 DOS - R Light Greek Myth and Folklore
037 Aphrodite 4.5 DOS - SR Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
038 Apollo 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Greek Myth and Folklore
039 Athena 4.0 DOS - SR Metal Greek Myth and Folklore
040 Artemis 4.0 DOS - SR Metal Greek Myth and Folklore
041 Poseidon 4.5 DOS - SR Water Greek Myth and Folklore
042 Zeus 5.0 DOS - SR Light Greek Myth and Folklore
043 Hades 4.5 DOS - SR Dark Greek Myth and Folklore
044 Ladon (Event) 5.0 DOS - SR Wood Greek Myth and Folklore
045 Odysseus 2.5 DOS - R Wood Greek Myth and Folklore


001 Mandrake 1.5 DOS - C Wood European Folklore
002 Oberon 1.0 DOS - C Wood French Myth and Folklore
003 Jack-o'-Lantern 1.0 DOS - C Fire European Folklore
004 Carbuncle 1.0 DOS - C Fire European Folklore
005 Little Red Riding Hood 1.0 DOS - C Fire European Folklore
006 Sea Bishop 1.5 DOS - C Water European Folklore
007 Vodianoi 1.5 DOS - C Water European Folklore
008 Gargoyle 1.0 DOS - C Water European Folklore
009 Homunculus 1.0 DOS - C Metal European Folklore
010 Gremlin 1.0 DOS - C Metal European Folklore
011 Melusine 1.0 DOS - C Water French Myth and Folklore
012 Fairy 1.0 DOS - C Light European Folklore
013 Bicorn 1.0 DOS - C Dark European Folklore
014 Basilisk 2.5 DOS - UC Wood European Folklore
015 Griffin 1.5 DOS - UC Fire European Folklore
016 Salamander 1.5 DOS - UC Fire European Folklore
017 Peluda 2.0 DOS - UC Fire French Myth and Folklore
018 Gnome 1.5 DOS - UC Earth European Folklore
019 Undine 2.0 DOS - UC Water European Folklore
020 Sylphid 2.5 DOS - R Wood European Folklore
021 Sorcerer 2.5 DOS - R Fire European Folklore
022 Vampire Hunter 2.5 DOS - R Fire European Folklore
023 Cockatrice 3.0 DOS - R Earth French Myth and Folklore
024 Witch 3.0 DOS - R Water European Folklore
025 Unicorn 3.0 DOS - R Light European Folklore
026 Cerberus 2.5 DOS - R Dark European Folklore
027 Robin Hood 4.5 DOS - SR Wood European Folklore
028 Guivre 4.0 DOS - SR Fire French Myth and Folklore
029 Vampire 5.0 DOS - SR Dark European Folklore
030 Peluda (Event) 3.5 DOS - R Dark French Myth and Folklore
031 Wizard 4.0 DOS - SR Wood European Folkore


001 Domovoi 1.0 DOS - C Fire Slavic Myth and Folklore
002 Tonttu 1.0 DOS - C Earth Finnish Myth and Folklore
003 Stribog 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Slavic Myth and Folklore
004 Kikimora 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Russian Myth and Folklore
005 Svarog 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Slavic Myth and Folklore
006 Rusalka 2.0 DOS - UC Water Slavic Myth and Folklore
007 Dazhbog 2.0 DOS - UC Light Slavic Myth and Folklore
008 Veles 3.0 DOS - R Fire Slavic Myth and Folklore
009 Perun 3.0 DOS - R Metal Slavic Myth and Folklore
010 Mokosh 2.5 DOS - R Water Slavic Myth and Folklore
011 Belobog 3.5 DOS - R Light Slavic Myth and Folklore
012 Chernobog 3.5 DOS - R Dark Slavic Myth and Folklore
013 Zilant 4.5 DOS - SR Wood Russian Myth and Folklore
014 Ukko 4.5 DOS - SR Earth Finnish Myth and Folklore


001 Kirimu 1.5 DOS - C Wood African Myth and Folklore
002 Nyuni 1.0 DOS - C Fire African Myth and Folklore
003 Grootslang 1.0 DOS - C Earth African Myth and Folklore
004 Amphisbaena 1.5 DOS - C Metal African Myth and Folklore
005 Catoblepas 1.0 DOS - C Water African Myth and Folklore
006 Scarab 1.0 DOS - C Light Egyptian Myth and Folklore
007 Yale 1.5 DOS - C Dark African Myth and Folklore
008 Chameleon 2.0 DOS - UC Wood African Myth and Folklore
009 Tefnut 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Egyptian Myth and Folklore
010 Nephthys 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Egyptian Myth and Folklore
011 Bastet 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Egyptian Myth and Folklore
012 Khnum 2.0 DOS - UC Water Egyptian Myth and Folklore
013 Meretseger 2.0 DOS - UC Light Egyptian Myth and Folklore
014 Wepwawet 2.0 DOS - UC Dark Egyptian Myth and Folklore
015 Set 3.0 DOS - R Earth Egyptian Myth and Folklore
016 Thoth 3.0 DOS - R Metal Egyptian Myth and Folklore
017 Horus 3.5 DOS - R Light Egyptian Myth and Folklore
018 Meretseger 2.0 DOS - UC Light Egyptian Myth and Folklore
019 Anubis 3.5 DOS - R Dark Egyptian Myth and Folklore
020 Ogun 4.5 DOS - SR Fire African Myth and Folklore
021 Isis 4.5 DOS - SR Earth Egyptian Myth and Folklore


001 Falconer 1.0 DOS - C Light Sumerian Myth and Folklore
002 Tammuz 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Sumerian Myth and Folklore
003 Azi Dahaka 2.5 DOS - UC Fire Babylonian Myth and Folklore
004 Inanna 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Sumerian Myth and Folklore
005 Enki 2.0 DOS - UC Water Sumerian Myth and Folklore
006 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
007 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
008 Abzu 3.0 DOS - R Water Babylonian Myth and Folklore
009 Ishtar 4.5 DOS - SR Wood Sumerian Myth and Folklore
010 Marduk 4.5 DOS - SR Metal Babylonian Myth and Folklore
011 Tiamat 4.5 DOS - SR Water Babylonian Myth and Folklore
012 Azi Dahaka (Event) 3.0 DOS - R Metal Babylonian Myth and Folklore

Indian/Southeast Asian

001 Naga the Cobra God 1.0 DOS - C Wood Hindu Myth and Folklore
002 Manticore 1.5 DOS - C Fire Southeast Asian Myth and Folklore
003 Hamsa the Sacred Bird 1.0 DOS - C Water Hindu Myth and Folklore
004 Rangda 1.5 DOS - C Dark Southeast Asia Myth and Folklore
005 Agni the Hellfire God 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Indian Myth and Folklore
006 Laskhimi the Goddess of Beauty 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Hindu Myth and Folklore
007 Kama the God of Love 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Hindu Myth and Folklore
008 Saraswati the Goddess of Hymns 2.0 DOS - UC Water Hindu Myth and Folklore
009 Surya the Sun God 2.0 DOS - UC Light Hindu Myth and Folklore
010 Yama the God of Death 2.0 DOS - UC Dark Hindu Myth and Folklore
011 Kali the War Goddess 2.5 DOS - UC Dark Hindu Myth and Folklore
012 Gandharva the Music God 2.5 DOS - R Wood Hindu Myth and Folklore
013 Garuda the Holy Bird 2.5 DOS - R Fire Indian Myth and Folklore
014 Barong 3.0 DOS - R Earth Southeast Asian Myth and Folklore
015 Ashura the Evil 3.5 DOS - R Dark Hindu Myth and Folklore


001 Shaolin Master 1.0 DOS - C Wood Chinese Myth and Folklore
002 Panda 1.5 DOS - C Wood Chinese Myth and Folklore
003 Kaso 1.0 DOS - C Fire Chinese Myth and Folklore
004 Baku 1.0 DOS - C Earth Chinese Myth and Folklore
005 Xiezhi 1.5 DOS - C Metal Chinese Myth and Folklore
006 Ryori 1.0 DOS - C Water Chinese Myth and Folklore
007 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
008 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
009 Kung Fu Master 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Chinese Myth and Folklore
010 Jiangshi 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Chinese Myth and Folklore
011 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
012 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
013 Sha Wujing 1.5 DOS - UC Metal Chinese Myth and Folklore
014 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
015 Mazu 2.0 DOS - UC Water Chinese Myth and Folklore
016 Nandou Shengjun 2.5 DOS - UC Light Chinese Myth and Folklore
017 Beidou Shengjun 2.5 DOS - UC Dark Chinese Myth and Folklore
018 Zhuge Liang 3.0 DOS - R Wood Chinese Myth and Folklore
019 Shennong 3.0 DOS - R Wood Chinese Myth and Folklore
020 Hua Po 3.0 DOS - R Wood Chinese Myth and Folklore
021 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
022 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
023 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
024 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
025 Nezha 3.0 DOS - R Light Chinese Myth and Folklore
026 Karyobinga 3.0 DOS - R Light Chinese Myth and Folklore
027 Black Tortoise 4.5 DOS - SR Wood Chinese Myth and Folklore
028 Sun Wukong 4.0 DOS - SR Wood Chinese Myth and Folklore
029 Vermilion Bird 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Chinese Myth and Folklore
030 Guan Yu 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Chinese Myth and Folklore
031 Yellow Emperor 4.5 DOS - SR Earth Chinese Myth and Folklore
032 White Tiger 4.5 DOS - SR Metal Chinese Myth and Folklore
033 Azure Dragon 4.5 DOS - SR Water Chinese Myth and Folklore
034 Yinglong (Event) 4.5 DOS - SR Light Chinese Myth and Folklore


001 Ushi-Oni 1.5 DOS - C Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
002 Katakirauwa 1.0 DOS - C Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
003 Niryu no Matsu 1.0 DOS - C Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
004 Kasha 1.0 DOS - C Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
005 Basan 1.5 DOS - C Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
006 Yoko 1.5 DOS - C Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
007 Kitsunebi 1.0 DOS - C Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
008 Osakabe-hime 1.5 DOS - C Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
009 Tsuchigumo 1.0 DOS - C Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
010 Mujina 1.0 DOS - C Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
011 Hitotsume-kozo 1.0 DOS - C Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
012 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
013 Ghost Cat 1.0 DOS - C Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
014 Kamaitachi 1.0 DOS - C Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
015 Tenaga-Ashinaga 1.5 DOS - C Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
016 Amefurikozo 1.0 DOS - C Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
017 Hamaguri-nyobo 1.0 DOS - C Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
018 Ryomen Sukuna 1.5 DOS - C Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
019 Kappa 1.5 DOS - C Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
020 Bake-kujira 1.5 DOS - C Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
021 Kesaran-Pasaran 1.0 DOS - C Light Japanese Myth and Folklore
022 Kozu and Mezu 1.0 DOS - C Dark Japanese Myth and Folklore
023 Karasu Tengu 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
024 Aka-ashi 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
025 Tenko 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
026 Yokozuna 2.5 DOS - UC Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
027 Wanyudo 1.5 DOS - UC Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
028 Wadatsumi 2.5 DOS - UC Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
029 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
030 Bodhidharma 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
031 Daidarabotchi 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
032 Shisa 1.5 DOS - UC Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
033 Hihi 2.5 DOS - UC Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
034 Sleeve-tugger 2.5 DOS - UC Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
035 Yuki-onna 2.0 DOS - UC Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
036 Shin 2.5 DOS - UC Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
037 Ame-onna 2.5 DOS - UC Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
038 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
039 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
040 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
041 Konohanasakuya-hime 2.5 DOS - R Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
042 Fukurokuju 3.0 DOS - R Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
043 Nine-tailed Fox 3.0 DOS - R Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
044 Hi no Kagutsuchi 3.0 DOS - R Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
045 Nio Agyo 2.5 DOS - R Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
046 Karura 2.5 DOS - R Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
047 Okikurumi 3.0 DOS - R Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
048 Koro-pok-guru 3.0 DOS - R Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
049 Jurojin 3.0 DOS - R Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
050 Hotei 3.0 DOS - R Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
051 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
052 Onmyoji 2.5 DOS - R Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
053 Muramasa 3.0 DOS - R Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
054 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
055 Bishamonten 3.0 DOS - R Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
056 Kisshoten 2.5 DOS - R Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
057 Nekomata 2.5 DOS - R Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
058 Ame no Uzume 2.5 DOS - R Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
059 Ebisu 3.0 DOS - R Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
060 Benzaiten 3.0 DOS - R Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
061 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
062 Shachi 2.5 DOS - R Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
063 Takemikazuchi 3.5 DOS - R Light Japanese Myth and Folklore
064 Miroku 3.0 DOS - R Light Japanese Myth and Folklore
065 Tsuki no Usagi 2.5 DOS - R Dark Japanese Myth and Folklore
066 Umibozu 3.5 DOS - R Dark Japanese Myth and Folklore
067 Inugami 3.0 DOS - R Dark Japanese Myth and Folklore
068 Daikokuten 3.0 DOS - R Dark Japanese Myth and Folklore
069 Shoryu 4.5 DOS - SR Wood Japanese Myth and Folklore
070 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
071 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
072 Fudo-Myoo 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Japanese Myth and Folklore
073 Izanagi 4.5 DOS - SR Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
074 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
075 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
076 Kuko 4.5 DOS - SR Metal Japanese Myth and Folklore
077 Yamata no Orochi 4.5 DOS - SR Water Japanese Myth and Folklore
078 Senju-Kannon 4.5 DOS - SR Light Japanese Myth and Folklore
079 Amaterasu 5.0 DOS - SR Light Japanese Myth and Folklore
080 Izanami 5.0 DOS - SR Dark Japanese Myth and Folklore
081 Hattori Hanzo 4.5 DOS - SR Dark Japanese Myth and Folklore
082 Shin (Event) 3.5 DOS - R Earth Japanese Myth and Folklore
083 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
084 Tsukuyomi 4.0 DOS - SR Dark Japanese Myth and Folklore


001 Yowie 1.0 DOS - C Wood Oceanian Myth and Folklore
002 Daramulum 1.0 DOS - C Fire Oceanian Myth and Folklore
003 Masalai 1.0 DOS - C Earth Oceanian Myth and Folklore
004 Aye-Aye 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Malagasy Myth and Folklore
005 Maui 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Hawaiian Myth and Folklore
006 Pele 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Hawaiian Myth and Folklore
007 Haumea 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Hawaiian Myth and Folklore
008 Yurlungur 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Oceanian Myth and Folklore
009 Ku 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Hawaiian Myth and Folklore
010 Sea Serpent 2.0 DOS - UC Water Oceanian Myth and Folklore
011 Kamapua'a 1.5 DOS - UC Water Hawaiian Myth and Folklore
012 Lono 3.0 DOS - R Wood Hawaiian Myth and Folklore
013 Bunyip 3.0 DOS - R Fire Oceanian Myth and Folklore
014 Tangata-Manu 3.0 DOS - R Metal Easter Island Myth and Folklore
015 Kanaloa 3.0 DOS - R Water Hawaiian Myth and Folklore
016 Makemake 4.0 DOS - SR Wood Easter Island Myth and Folklore
017 Kane 4.0 DOS - SR Fire Hawaiian Myth and Folklore
018 Eingana 4.5 DOS - SR Water Oceanian Myth and Folklore

Mythology of the world

001 Will o' the Wisp 1.5 DOS - C Fire Global Folklores
002 Male Shaman 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Global Folklores
003 The Chaos Emissary 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
004 Scorpion 1.5 DOS - UC Earth Global Folklores
005 Uroboros 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Global Folklores
006 The Phantom of Gold 2.5 DOS - UC Metal Miscellaneous
007 Glacies 2.0 DOS - UC Water Global Folklores
008 Charybdis 2.0 DOS - UC Water Global Folklores
009 Female Shaman 1.5 DOS - UC Water Global Folklores
010 Werewolf 2.0 DOS - UC Dark Global Folklores
011 Wyvern 3.0 DOS - R Fire Global Folklores
012 Emperor of Fire 3.0 DOS - R Fire Miscellaneous
013 Gunslinger 3.0 DOS - R Metal Miscellaneous
014 God of Fish 3.0 DOS - R Water Miscellaneous
015 Leviathan 3.0 DOS - R Water Global Folklores
016 Captain Cook 3.5 DOS - R Light Global Folklores
017 Genie of the Lamp 3.5 DOS - R Light Global Folklores
018 Ziz 3.5 DOS - R Dark Global Folklores
019 Ghost Ship 3.0 DOS - R Dark Global Folklores
020 Phoenix 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Global Folklores
021 T. Rex 4.5 DOS - SR Metal Global Folklores
022 God of Water 4.5 DOS - SR Water Miscellaneous
023 Wyvern (Event) 4.5 DOS - SR Fire Global Folklores
024 Leviathan (Event) 5.0 DOS - SR Water Global Folklores
025 Bahamut 5.0 DOS - SR Light Global Folklores

Imaginary being outside of myth

001 Peryton 1.5 DOS - C Wood Imaginary Creatures
002 Scrap Shark 1.5 DOS - C Earth Imaginary Creatures
003 Scrap Octopus 1.5 DOS - C Metal Imaginary Creatures
004 Frankenstein's Monster 1.5 DOS - C Metal Imaginary Creatures
005 Galapagos Monitor Lizard 1.5 DOS - C Water Unrelated Myth and Folklore
006 Fire Guardian 1.5 DOS - UC Fire Imaginary Creatures
007 Zmey 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Imaginary Creatures
008 Coelacanth 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Unrelated Myth and Folklore
009 Mammoth 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Unrelated Myth and Folklore
010 Emperor Penguin 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Unrelated Myth and Folklore
011 Mosasaurus 2.0 DOS - UC Water Unrelated Myth and Folklore
012 Ifrit 3.0 DOS - R Fire Imaginary Creatures
013 Adaptive Camouflage 2.5 DOS - R Metal Unrelated Myth and Folklore
014 Greys 3.5 DOS - R Light Imaginary Creatures
015 Clione 3.0 DOS - R Light Unrelated Myth and Folklore
016 Orca 3.0 DOS - R Dark Unrelated Myth and Folklore

For Merging

While merging spirits 15-21 are widely presumed to be Kings, as of yet they have not been seen in the game.

001 Prince of Wood 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
002 Prince of Fire 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
003 Prince of Earth 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
004 Prince of Metal 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Miscellaneous
005 Prince of Water 2.0 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
006 Prince of Light 2.0 DOS - UC Light Miscellaneous
007 Prince of Dark 2.0 DOS - UC Dark Miscellaneous
008 Queen of Wood 3.0 DOS - R Wood Miscellaneous
009 Queen of Fire 3.0 DOS - R Fire Miscellaneous
010 Queen of Earth 3.0 DOS - R Earth Miscellaneous
011 Queen of Metal 3.0 DOS - R Metal Miscellaneous
012 Queen of Water 3.0 DOS - R Water Miscellaneous
013 Queen of Light 3.0 DOS - R Light Miscellaneous
014 Queen of Dark 3.0 DOS - R Dark Miscellaneous
015 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
016 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
017 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
018 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
019 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
020 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
021 Unknown Question Question Question Unknown
022 Joker of Wood 4.0 DOS - SR Wood Miscellaneous
023 Joker of Fire 4.0 DOS - SR Fire Miscellaneous
024 Joker of Earth 4.0 DOS - SR Earth Miscellaneous
025 Joker of Metal 4.0 DOS - SR Metal Miscellaneous
026 Joker of Water 4.0 DOS - SR Water Miscellaneous
027 Joker of Light 4.0 DOS - SR Light Miscellaneous
028 Joker of Dark 4.0 DOS - SR Dark Miscellaneous


001 Country Goblin 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
002 Powered-suit Goblin 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
003 Doctor Vargas 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
004 Lucas 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
005 Ryder 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
006 Altered Guardian 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
007 Android Soldier 2.0 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
008 Mining Robot 2.0 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
009 Little Knack 2.0 DOS - UC Light Miscellaneous
010 Giant Knack 2.0 DOS - UC Light Miscellaneous
011 Viktor 2.5 DOS - UC Dark Miscellaneous
012 Katrina 2.5 DOS - UC Dark Miscellaneous
013 Wood Knack 3.5 DOS - R Wood Miscellaneous
014 Morgack 3.0 DOS - R Wood Miscellaneous
015 Guardian 3.0 DOS - R Earth Miscellaneous
016 Iron Knack 3.5 DOS - R Metal Miscellaneous
017 Ice Knack 3.5 DOS - R Water Miscellaneous
018 Gundahar 5.0 DOS - SR Wood Miscellaneous
019 Robo Knack 4.0 DOS - SR Metal Miscellaneous
020 Giant Autonomous Weapon 5.0 DOS - SR Metal Miscellaneous


001 Nevi Mossui 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
002 Yunica 2.5 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
003 Cyanea 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
004 Kat 2.5 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
005 Syd 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
006 Alias 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
007 Gade 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Miscellaneous
008 Nevi Shaga 1.5 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
009 Raven GR 2.5 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
010 Spy Costume Yunica 3.0 DOS - R Wood Miscellaneous
011 Spy Costume Kat 3.5 DOS - R Fire Miscellaneous
012 Spy Costume Raven 3.5 DOS - R Water Miscellaneous
013 Lady of the Depths 5.0 DOS - SR Light Miscellaneous
014 Gravity Panther 5.0 DOS - SR Dark Miscellaneous


001 Dear Television 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
002 Mr. Producer 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
003 Pierre 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
004 Jun 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
005 Suzuki 1.5 DOS - UC Metal Miscellaneous
006 Ricky 2.0 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
007 Toro 2.5 DOS - UC Light Miscellaneous
008 Kitten Toro 2.0 DOS - UC Light Miscellaneous
009 Kuro 2.5 DOS - UC Dark Miscellaneous
010 Newscaster Toro 3.5 DOS - R Light Miscellaneous
011 Newscaster Kuro 3.0 DOS - R Dark Miscellaneous
012 Super Toro 5.0 DOS - SR Light Miscellaneous
013 Toro and Kuro Together 5.0 DOS - SR Dark Miscellaneous

Soul Sacrifice™ Delta

001 Librom 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
002 Harpy 1.5 DOS - C Light Greek Myth and Folklore
003 Snow White 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
004 Bremen Town Musicians 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
005 Jack-o'-Lantern (Soul Sacrifice Delta) 1.5 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
006 Dullahan (Soul Sacrifice Delta) 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
007 Centaur 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
008 Cinderella 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
009 Three Little Pigs 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
010 Ouroboros 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Miscellaneous
011 Behemoth 3.5 DOS - R Wood Miscellaneous
012 Red Hood Wolf 3.0 DOS - R Wood Miscellaneous
013 Cerberus (Soul Sacrifice Delta) 3.0 DOS - R Metal Miscellaneous
014 Griffin (Soul Sacrifice Delta) 3.0 DOS - R Metal Miscellaneous
015 Valkyrie (Soul Sacrifice Delta) 3.5 DOS - R Metal Miscellaneous
016 Frog Prince 3.0 DOS - R Water Miscellaneous
017 Leviathan (Soul Sacrifice Delta) 3.0 DOS - R Water Miscellaneous
018 Red Hood 5.0 DOS - SR Wood Miscellaneous
019 Sympatha 5.0 DOS - SR Light Miscellaneous
020 Sortiara 4.5 DOS - SR Dark Miscellaneous


001 Patapons 2.0 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
002 Yumiyacha 1.5 DOS - UC Wood Miscellaneous
003 Taterazay 1.5 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
004 Wondabarappa 2.0 DOS - UC Fire Miscellaneous
005 Kibadda 2.0 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
006 Myamsar 2.5 DOS - UC Earth Miscellaneous
007 Cannassault 2.5 DOS - UC Metal Miscellaneous
008 Destrobo 2.0 DOS - UC Metal Miscellaneous
009 Alosson 2.5 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
010 Gekoroth 2.0 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
011 Yarida 1.5 DOS - UC Water Miscellaneous
012 Pingrek 2.0 DOS - UC Light Miscellaneous
013 Tondenga 2.0 DOS - UC Dark Miscellaneous
014 Bowmunk 3.0 DOS - R Wood Miscellaneous
015 Jamsch 3.0 DOS - R Wood Miscellaneous
016 Pyokorider 3.0 DOS - R Metal Miscellaneous
017 Wooyari 3.5 DOS - R Water Miscellaneous
018 Guardira 3.5 DOS - R Light Miscellaneous
019 Oohoroc 3.0 DOS - R Dark Miscellaneous
020 Cannogabang 4.5 DOS - SR Metal Miscellaneous
021 Charibasa 5.0 DOS - SR Light Miscellaneous
022 Grenburr 5.0 DOS - SR Dark Miscellaneous