- 14 Days of Darkness
- 500,000 DL Celebration
- Abzu
- Adaptive Camouflage
- Admiral Orlock
- Afanc
- Agni the Hellfire God
- Ah Puch
- Aipalookvik
- Aka-ashi
- Akane Wajima
- Akane Wajima (ADV)
- Alias
- Alosson
- Altered Guardian
- Amane Sakaki
- Amaterasu
- Amazoness
- Ame-onna
- Ame no Uzume
- Amefurikozo
- Ameko Kamishiro
- Ameko Kamishiro (ADV)
- America
- Amphisbaena
- Anchancho
- Android Soldier
- Andromeda
- Anubis
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Apollo (God of War)
- Aradin
- Ares
- Arianrhod
- Armor Grunt
- Arran Danner
- Artemis
- Arthur
- Artists
- Ashura
- Ashura the Evil
- Assault Infantry
- Ataensic
- Athena
- Aumanil
- Autarch Visari
- Aye-Aye
- Azi Dahaka
- Azi Dahaka (Event)
- Azure Dragon
- Badman
- Bahamut
- Bai Suzhen
- Bai Ze
- Bake-kujira
- Baku
- Baldr
- Balor
- Baptism of Light
- Barong
- Basan
- Basilisk
- Bastet
- Battles
- Beelzebub
- Behemoth
- Beidou Shengjun
- Bellerophon
- Belobog
- Benzaiten
- Benzaiten (Event)
- Berserker
- Bichuten
- Bicorn
- Bishamonten
- Bishamonten (Event)
- Black Body
- Black Knight
- Black Tortoise
- Blue Body
- Bodhidharma
- Bonda
- Bonten
- Bowmunk
- Bremen Town Musicians
- Brigit
- Brute Stone
- Bunyip
- C Stat Comparison
- Cait Sith
- Calamity Jane
- Cannassault
- Cannogabang
- Captain Cook
- Captain Narville
- Captain Templar
- Carbuncle
- Catoblepas
- Centaur
- Centaur (God of War)
- Centaurus
- Centeotl
- Cerberus
- Cerberus (God of War)
- Cerberus (Soul Sacrifice Delta)
- Cernunnos
- Chaac
- Chairman Stahl
- Chalchiuhtlicue
- Chameleon
- Chancellor Visari
- Characters from KILLZONEā¢
- Charibasa
- Charybdis
- Chaska-Qorlor
- Chernobog
- Chi You
- Chimera
- Chimera (Event)
- Chirizuka-kaio
- Chitose Kunibiki
- Chitose Kunibiki (ADV)
- Chiyo Miasa
- Chiyo Miasa (ADV)
- Chloris
- Chupacabra
- Cinderella
- Clear Bonuses
- Clione
- Close Encounters
- Coatlicue
- Cockatrice
- Coelacanth
- Colonel Hakha
- Colonel Kratek
- Colonel Radec
- Commander Benoit
- Commander Saric
- Condor
- Coniraya
- Corporal Garza
- Corporal Jammer
- Corporal Natko
- Country Goblin
- Cowboy Bill
- Coyolxauhqui
- Coyote
- Cronus
- Cuhullin
- Cyanea
- Cyclops
- Cyclops (Event)
- Dagda
- Daidarabotchi
- Daikokuten
- Daikokuten (Event)
- Daily Fortune
- Damian Ivanov
- Danu
- Daramulum
- Darkness Approaches
- Dazhbog
- Dear Television
- Demeter
- Destiny Orb
- Destiny of Spirits Wiki
- Destrobo
- Dianceht
- Dionysus
- Director Sinclair
- Doctor Massar
- Doctor Vargas
- Domovoi
- Doppelganger
- Dracula
- Dragons Summit
- Druid
- Dryad
- Dullahan
- Dullahan (Soul Sacrifice Delta)
- Dwarf
- Ebisu
- Ebisu (Event)
- Echidna
- Echo
- Eingana
- Ek Chuah
- Electric Monster
- Emperor Penguin
- Emperor of Fire
- Empusa
- Enki
- Enumclaw
- Erlang Shen
- Eros
- Europe
- Events
- Excalibur
- Fafnir
- Fairy
- Falconer
- Faun
- Female Shaman
- Fenghuang
- Fenrir
- Fenrir (Event)
- Fionn mac Cumhaill
- Fire Guardian
- First Mother
- Flying Humanoid
- Forseti
- Frankenstein's Monster
- Freyja
- Freyr
- Friend in Need!
- Frigg
- Frog Prince
- Fu Xi
- Fudo-Myoo
- Fuhiko Fujiwara
- Fuhiko Fujiwara (ADV)
- Fujin
- Fuku Echizen
- Fuku Echizen (ADV)
- Fukurokuju
- Fukurokuju (Event)
- Gade
- Gaia
- Galapagos Monitor Lizard
- Gandharva the Music God
- Gangster
- Gargoyle
- Garuda the Holy Bird
- Gekoroth
- Genie of the Lamp
- Geolocation
- Ghost Cat
- Ghost Ship
- Giant Autonomous Weapon
- Giant Knack
- Gilgamesh
- Gitchi Manitoxu
- Glacies
- Gnome
- God of Fish
- God of War (Raid)
- God of Water
- Golden Jet
- Gravity Panther
- Great Daikichi
- Gremlin
- Grenburr
- Greys
- Greys (Event)
- Griffin
- Griffin (Soul Sacrifice Delta)
- Grootslang
- Guan Yu
- Guardian
- Guardira
- Guivre
- Gukumatz
- Gulon
- Gundahar
- Gunslinger
- Hades
- Haggis
- Hamaguri-nyobo
- Hamsa the Sacred Bird
- Harpy
- Harpy (Soul Sacrifice Delta)
- Hattori Hanzo
- Haumea
- Hayame Kaji
- Hayame Kaji (ADV)
- Heaven's Gate
- Heimdallr
- Hel
- Helios
- Hellhound
- Hephaestus
- Hera
- Heracles
- Hercules (God of War)
- Heremod
- Hermes
- Hermes (God of War)
- Hestia
- Heyoka
- Hi no Kagutsuchi
- Hihi
- Hikari Tochinobi
- Hikari Tochinobi (ADV)
- Himiko
- Himuka Amano
- Himuka Amano (ADV)
- Hitotsume-kozo
- Holly and Jolly
- Homunculus
- Hoplite
- Horus
- Hotei
- Hotei (Event)
- Hua Po
- Huallallo Carhuincho
- Huehuecoyotl
- Huitzilopochtli
- Humanoid
- Hunab Ku
- Hunahpu
- Hunts
- Huracan
- Ice Knack
- Ichiko Echigo
- Ichiko Echigo (ADV)
- Ictinike
- Ifrit
- Igaluk
- Illapa
- Imaymana
- Inanna
- Incubus
- Inti
- Inti (SR)
- Inugami
- Iron Knack
- Ishtar
- Isis
- Itzam Cab Ain
- Itzamna
- Itzpapalotl
- Itzpapalotl (Event)
- Ixchel
- Ixmucane
- Ixtab
- Ixtab (Event)
- Iyatiku
- Izanagi
- Izanami
- Jack-o'-Lantern
- Jack-o'-Lantern (Soul Sacrifice Delta)
- Jack o' Frost
- Jaguar
- Jaguar Warrior